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SMS: the indispensable link in ‘audit at home’ for Mobility Service Provider MobilityPlus

SMS: the indispensable link in ‘audit at home’ for Mobility Service Provider MobilityPlus

How MobilityPlus uses messaging via Spryng to green mobility

“Carefree, green and smart charging” is the mission of charging station provider MobilityPlus. The fast-growing Mobility Service Provider that supports companies and individuals in the transition to electric mobility. With an ‘audit at home’, this organisation realises energy- & brand-independent solutions from A to Z. “SMS plays a crucial role in this,” states Steven Coppens, Head of IT at MobilityPlus. You can read how a simple SMS message contributes to sustainability through MobilityPlus in the article below.

SMS in the customer journey

To provide the appropriate infrastructure, MobilityPlus first conducts extensive research to determine exactly what the needs of a company, its employees and/or private customers are. In an ‘audit at home’, a MobilityPlus specialist examines specifically what needs to be provided at the customer’s home for an optimal charging experience. Each installation is therefore preceded by a comprehensive technical audit. To quickly manage the influx of new orders, MobilityPlus developed a digital tool that speeds up and simplifies the audit process.

Each customer must register for the ‘audit at home’ on this digital tool; an online platform of MobilityPlus. In this environment, the customer can centralise all necessary information. However, because this information must be treated with due care, each driver is given a personal login that is additionally secured with verification code via SMS.

Need for expertise and proactive support

“We chose to launch our platform through Odoo. It offers the necessary flexibility to develop further on this. Therefore, in the first phase, SMS was deployed here via Odoo”: states Coppens. Nevertheless, it soon became clear that the SMS module needed more expertise and capabilities. “After all, Odoo’s messaging function offered too few insights”. That’s why MobilityPlus contacted Spryng.

A responsive and reliable SMS partner with strong support is crucial in the ‘audit at home’ process. After all, you want to make sure that your SMS with login code customer arrives at the customer in a fraction of a few seconds. “This was certainly the case with Spryng. We started our application on Thursday morning and were fully operational for the weekend on Friday evening”: indicates Coppens. “Not a luxury when you know that at that point we had lost two days of time waiting for support from Odoo. In less than two days, the integration with Spryng was sorted out and we were able to ship over the weekend. In short, Spryng’s onboarding process was fast, flexible and efficient.”

SMS provider with a focus on data security

Moreover, we were looking for an internationally available player with knowledge of the market and a focus on data security. Spryng has 125 direct connections with various operators worldwide. Furthermore, they are the only European player to be ISO and NEN certified. “This is an important additional feature as our corporate customers have to meet several strict GDPR requirements”: indicates Coppens.

To optimise the integration, MobilityPlus put Spryng in touch with their Odoo partner. This party linked Spryng as an app to MobilityPlus’ Odoo system. The aim was to implement Spryng’s extensive reporting and not miss out on any valuable data and insights. Spryng’s app is available to all Odoo users. Through Spryng’s SMS app in Odoo, you can clearly track when which messages were sent to whom. Moreover, installation/switchover is very easy.

Messaging in the future

As for the future, MobilityPlus remains anything but stagnant. The ambition to expand abroad is also fast becoming concrete. “Currently, we are already active in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In addition, we also see huge growth potential in the German market”. How can SMS be framed in these future plans? According to Coppens, it remains the ideal professional communication channel. “An SMS is almost always opened and it has high attention value compared to e-mails that are not read or are overlooked”.

SMS: the widely deployable professional communication channel

As MobilityPlus provides the ultimate in customer service, this sometimes creates pressure on customer service. It is therefore looking at how this process can be optimised using SMS. According to Coppens, SMS additionally remains the ideal professional communication channel for login codes, but in the future perhaps also for sending updates on the technician on the move. Moreover, plans are on the table to integrate appointment reminders into Odoo via Spryng. The uses of SMS are very broad.

The quick onboarding and smooth integration set the tone of an undoubtedly exciting collaboration. We hope to be able to contribute to the mission of MobilityPlus towards a greener society from Spryng for a long time to come.


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