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Appointment scheduling and SMS form golden combination

Appointment scheduling and SMS form golden combination

About the successful cooperation between T:MEBLOCKR and Spryng

Ever heard of T:MEBLOCKR? This appointment planner was developed by Communited located in a South Holland town called Oud-Beijerland. This company has been a valued partner of Spryng for years. And with over 3 million users, the T:MEBLOCKR appointment planner is an interesting tool for many companies and governments.


T:MEBLOCKR ensures – as the name suggests – that appointments can easily be scheduled. With this SaaS application for automated appointment scheduling and customer guidance, customers can make an appointment online 24/7. Employees can of course also add their own appointments. Based on availability, the appointment will be scheduled with the right employee or specialist. All clear via a convenient scheduling board.

SMS services are widely deployable

What does such an automated appointment scheduler have to do with Spryng? Everything! T:MEBLOCKR is used by many municipalities in the Netherlands and Belgium. Besides the government, the company is also active in retail. The organizations and governments that use T:MEBLOCKR make the lives of their users and customers easier in every conceivable way with SMS notifications.

An SMS message is important to provide customers with clear information. But also as a service to the customer, to improve the customer journey, to save time and to prevent ‘no-shows’. T:MEBLOCKR is widely used with our SMS functionality, such as appointments for the hairdresser, passport applications and for example mortgage or travel advice.

100% reliable service

Communited shares Spryng’s vision that SMS service is a fast and reliable way to save time and money and increase customer satisfaction. Walter Akkermans (from Sales and Business Development at Communited):

“Spryng has been a 100% reliable partner for our SMS services for years. Thanks to the simple SMS integration, we can quickly help new customers to reduce the number of no-shows, for example”.

This reliability is also important because Communited works for government institutions where the requirements of GDPR must be met. Such as for the municipality of Arnhem.

Want to know more about the use of business SMS?

Sending SMS is fast, safe and easy to arrange via one simple SMS API. Spryng likes to think along with you about the effective use of SMS for your customers. So you save time and money and increase your customer satisfaction. Curious? Call Marc, phone 020-7703005.

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